The New York State Workers' Compensation Law provides for monetary and medical benefits due to a work-related injury. A work-related injury includes on-the-job accidents as well as occupational claims for repetitive stress.
Medical benefits under the law cover treatment by doctors, hospitals, chiropractors, therapists, and other specified health providers. An injured worker is not required to pay the cost of treatment which is deemed related to a work-related injury.
Monetary benefits may be payable under the law for lost wages, whether in the past or presently. The law also provides for future lost wages in certain specified situations.
Under the Workers' Compensation Law, you have the right to retain the services of an attorney. Any request by that attorney for a fee for services rendered to you must be approved by the Administrative Law Judge. If approved, the fee would be deducted out of any monetary benefits owed to you by the insurance company.
For further information, you can visit these links:
Workers' Compensation Case Information -
Vocational Rehabilitation (VESID) -\
NY Physician Profiles -